What’s Winning The Listing Presentation Really Mean?

You’ve won the listing presentation, priced it right and the listing sold… now what? An insightful view into the Top Producer’s mindset of “winning.”

What Top Producing Agents Do Every Day… And So Should You! Part 4: The Mindset of Winning

You’ve done all the hard work: prospected, qualified, overcome the objections and negotiated a win-win sales price. You’ve crossed every “t” and dotted every “i” and completed the home sale. Listen to eight top producers discuss the most important skills for repeat wins (and, interestingly 7 of 8 point to the same skill.)

If you’d like to be a more consistent producer and overcome the ups and downs in your business, learn what these top agents believe is the most important skill to overcome repetitious boredom and how to avoid complacency after the win!

Part four of this four-part series focuses on the Mindset of Winning!

Video Summary


  • Agents share their thoughts on the biggest rewards in real estate and key skills needed for success.

Biggest Reward from Listing Presentation

  • Agent 1: Enjoys signing the listing contract and getting the property under contract. Thrill is in the process, not the paycheck. Confident in selling homes at a realistic price.
  • Agent 2: Enjoys the process of prospecting and getting the listing signed. Doesn’t focus on the paycheck; rather, the satisfaction of closing deals.
  • Agent 3: Finds fulfillment in getting the contract signed and sold, especially with the current market’s 40-day average on market.
  • Agent 4: Enjoys the presentation part of the business. Views getting the signed contract as a personal win.

Most Important Skills

  • Agent 1: Prioritizes mindset, staying positive despite challenges. Believes mindset is key to handling setbacks during prospecting.
  • Agent 2: Consistency is crucial for success, as it drives continuous improvement and execution.
  • Agent 3: Strong mindset is the most important, helping to stay positive and motivated in a fluctuating market. Believes that mindset influences other skills, like time management and lead generation.
  • Agent 4: Mindset is the foundation, followed by consistency in daily activities. Emphasizes the importance of both mindset and lead sourcing to succeed.

Agent Perspective on Lead Generation

  • Agent 1: Stresses the importance of high-quality lead sources and focuses on executing well.
  • Agent 4: Highlights that mindset and consistent lead generation are critical to success.
  • Agent 5 (Carlos): Emphasizes mindset, particularly in handling market changes. Views prospecting as essential to success and prefers working with motivated leads.


  • Agents universally agree that mindset is critical, followed by consistency and good lead sourcing.
  • ArchAgent is praised for providing quality leads that save time and boost efficiency, helping agents stay focused on results.

The country’s top real estate agents rely on ArchAgent tools and resources – all available in a single package for a low cost. If you want to win repeatedly, a proper mindset is essential – and is easier to maintain if you win early and often. Use ArchAgent’s Likely To List Analytics to ensure you have a sufficient source of new leads to win often and repeatedly.