FSBO Lead Services

The ArchAgent For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Data Service identifies, enhances, then delivers to you private sellers who have listed their home for sale “by owner”. While the Expired Leads Service extracts off market data and matches the addresses to phone numbers using our proprietary database systems.

When you subscribe to the ArchAgent FSBO and Expired Data Services, you no longer have to spend your prospecting time sorting through newspapers, magazines or websites for new listings; they are automatically sent to you daily, directly in your inbox.

Logging Into the Web Portal

From the ArchAgent web portal you are able to manage your daily leads, change your search parameters, and view back data.

  1. Access the Powerline Portal at https://archagent.us or
  2. Enter your 10-digit Mailbox number in the “Login ID” field
    Note: Your mailbox number is the same as your toll-free Powerline™ phone number, as assigned to you in your welcome number
  3. Enter your default password in the “Password” field Step
  4. Click the “Login” button You are now logged into the customer portal


Adjusting Your Base Zip Code
The base zip code you provided at setup is displayed with an accompanying zip code table. Note: you can only adjust the last two digit of your base zip code online. If you need to make further adjustments, please contact Customer Service at 800-882-9155 or support@archagent.com.

  1. Click on the FSBO/Expired tab
  2. Enter the new 5 digit zip code in the “Zip Code” field
  3. Choose “Save”

Note: By default Arch does not cross state lines, however, we can do so at no additional charge . To enable this feature, please contact Customer Support at 800-882-9155.

Adjusting Your Mileage Radius
You may also modify your default radius. You can choose from 1 mile up to the default of 50 miles. As you modify your radius, the accompanying matching zip code map will change to reflect your new radius.

  1. Click on the “FSBO/Expired” tab
  2. Enter your desired mile radius in the “Distance” field
  3. Choose “Save”

Note: Not all ads contain full, accurate mapping information. Arch uses multiple layers of verification to position the property as close as possible. However, since we are unable to pinpoint every property to its exact location we do not recommend setting a mileage radius under 10 miles to ensure you receive all of the listings in your area.


You can retrieve archived For Sale by Owner and Expired leads through our Web Portal. The data is available in three formats, Summary, Full Text, and .CSV. By default you are emailed the Summary version. If you wish to change to a different format for your daily reports please contact Customer Service.

Retrieving Online Reports

  1. Click on the “FSBO/Expired” tab
  2. Choose “FSBO/Expired” under the “Reports” tab
  3. Enter the Date Range
  4. Select to view FSBO only, Expired Only, or FSBO & Expired Leads
  5. Select your report type from the drop-down menu
  6. Choose “Get Report”

Reporting Options

  • Summary – the default, printer friendly format we use for email delivery. Best suited for daily calling schedules.
  • Full Text – contains the most detailed information about the listing but because each listing is approximately half a page, it is best for viewing inside of your browser or email service.
  • DownloaCSVd – is a comma separated variable format that enables you to import the listings into most spreadsheets or contact managers.


Today’s real estate market has you leveraging technology or surrendering to it.